What we stand for

This is just a quick breakdown of what the Liberal Democrats stand for. If you would like a more detailed set of policies you can find them here on the Lib Dem website. If you can't find the answer to your question please drop us an email.


"The Liberal Democrats have received three green lights by offering the strongest set of policies on climate change, green taxation and green living." - How green are our parties, report by the Green Alliance 2007
All our policies have a green thread running through them. We believe achieving sustainability cannot be done by one government department alone. Damage to our environment damages personal health, impoverishes economies and weakens communities.

The Liberal Democrats are the only party with the vision, commitment and political drive to deliver positive change which will in turn safe guard the future of the environment and our rural affairs.


Too many children are still leaving school without the knowledge and skills to be successful. Finding a good school is a struggle, lessons don’t always stretch the brightest or support those who need more help, and classes are often too big for teachers to control.

Every child is different, so schools need to be free to teach children in different ways and get the very best from them. Liberal Democrats want every child to get an excellent education because it is the best way to get on in life, get a good job, and learn about the world.

We will cut class sizes, set teachers free to spend more time in the classroom and raise standards in every school with more money for things like one to one tuition and classes in the evenings.

For those youngsters leaving school, university is getting more and more expensive. To get a degree, young people are saddled with thousands of pounds of debt when it is tough enough to get a job, get on the housing ladder and make ends meet.

Liberal Democrats are the only party which believes university education should be free and everyone who has the ability should be able to go to university and not be put off by the cost.

Our 6 point timetable for scrapping tuition fees: